New Peer-Reviewed Research Finds Evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud
By a margin of 52% to 40%, voters believe that “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.” That’s per a Rasmussen Reports survey from this month. This stands in stark contrast to the countless news stories editorializing about “no evidence of voter fraud” and “the myth of voter fraud.”
It isn’t just Republicans who believe this cheating occurred. Even 34% of Democrats believe it, as do 38% of those who “somewhat” support President Biden. A broad range of Americans think this: men, women, all age groups, whites, those who are neither white nor black, Republicans, those who are neither Republicans nor Democrats, all job categories, all income groups except those making over $200,000 per year, and all education groups except those who attended graduate school. And with good reason. New research of mine is forthcoming in the peer-reviewed economics journal Public Choice, and it finds evidence of around 255,000 excess votes (possibly as many as 368,000) for Joe Biden in six swing states where Donald Trump lodged accusations of fraud. Biden only carried these states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – by a total of 313,253 votes. Excluding Michigan, the gap was 159,065.The point of this work isn’t to contest the 2020 election, but to point out that we have a real problem that needs to be dealt with. Americans must have confidence in future elections.
Voter fraud is real, and no amount of media gaslighting to the contrary should convince you otherwise.
Over the past year, one so-called fact checker after another has made the preposterous determination that voter fraud is near non-existent in our natin. These media sources engaged in a continuous moving of the goal posts as experts provided specific examples of cheating. First it was said that there was no fraud at all. That morphed into, “Well, if there is fraud, it is not widespread.”
Then it became, “It’s certainly not enough to tilt elections.” They are wrong on all counts.
We will explore specific examples later herein, but first let’s - for the benefit of those unfamiliar - explain where the term gaslighting came from. The 1944 Ingrid Bergman film entitled Gaslight centered on a diabolical husband trying to convince his wife that she is going crazy. Each night he would manipulate the ambience of the gaslight within their 19th century home. When she brought the fluctuating illumination to his attention, he insisted that the lighting level remained consistent all this time and that it was her wild imagination wrongly perceiving that the brightness of the light was vacillating. She was told these obvious lies so many times that she actually came to believe that her own eyes were lying to her. Which brings us to voter fraud. Despite the fact that we have videos of election inspectors being denied access to verify signatures; videos of hidden crates of ballots being removed from under tables and counted by some election officials after the counting was officially shut down; ballots having been sent to dead people and illegal aliens; voter deadlines illegally extended by partisan officials; illegal ballot harvesting; and a lowering of the threshold to verify signatures, we are supposed ignore our lying eyes and listen to the media telling us that these dilutions of voter safeguards never happened.
Just a short time ago, the prospect of voter fraud was a major concern to both major political parties. In what was a truly bipartisan venture, the Carter-Baker Commission in 2005 issued a warning to the electorate that ““Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud The commission was composed not just of the one time Democratic president, Jimmy Carter, and former Secretary of State, James Baker, a Republican, but also the former Senate Minority Leader, Democrat Tom Daschle.This Bipartisan group, in unison, concluded that photo ID
should be mandated as a voting prerequisite and that mail in voting should be used very sparingly due to the ability to cast fraudulent votes that are not easily caught. This common sense report from just 16 years ago would today - rather ridiculously- be termed a racist attempt at voter suppression.
ALMOST ALL OF EUROPE LIMITS MAIL IN VOTING An excellent essay in the Imprimis Newsletter by John R Lott Jr. noted that when it comes to the use of mail-in voting and the reluctance to use photo ID, the United States is actually an outlier amongst developed countries. 46 out of 47 European nations require some form of voter identification. 35 of these nations prohibit mail in voting altogether, while another ten that allow it require the absentee voter to personally go to the election board days prior to the election and present ID before getting the absentee ballot. This extra ID protection was prompted in England by a voting scandal in 2004 where officials in the city of Birmingham discovered that six winning candidates had fraudulently acquired about 40,000 absentee votes. France mandated safeguards on mail in voting in 1975, after massive voter fraud was discovered on the island of Corsica, where hundreds of thousands of dead people were found to be voting.
EIGHT OF NINE BOGUS SIGNATURES ACCEPTED America continues to shun these safeguards - and is more akin to a banana republic - because partisan interests, backed by an agenda driven media, continue to gaslight Americans by claiming that no fraud exists within the mail in system. Apparently, they ignore proof of fraud as provided by Las Vegas Review Journal columnist, Victor Joecks, whose mail in vote experiment uncovered that eight of the nine bogus votes cast in his experiment were accepted by the Clark County board of elections. Joecks was informed by various residents that they were receiving multiple ballots in their mailboxes though they never requested them. Some were made out to individuals now deceased or who had moved from the address years ago.
In one episode, Joecks gathered nine people and asked them to sign and send mail in ballots. But he first signed their name in his penmanship on a separate piece of paper. He thereafter asked them to trace over his handwritten version of their signature onto the ballot. (By doing it this way he never actually signed their ballots and avoided legal consequences.) Of the nine ballots sent into Clark County with signatures mirroring that of Joecks’ penmanship, and not the voters themselves, eight were accepted by the board and only one was rejected. Had Joecks wanted to get eight free votes for his candidate of choice, he could have fraudulently done so without detection. This begs the question: Just how many bogus signatures actually went undetected this past November?
The honest answer is: We don’t know. And that is the problem with verifying mail in signatures and the amount of fraud slipping through. We don’t know what we don’t know, and that is a recipe for destroying the public’s confidence in the integrity of the system.
Yes, voter fraud is real, and courts are cracking down on it: A big voter fraud arrest and a separate voter fraud conviction in the past eight days again show that illicit voting is real and not terribly rare. The good news is that those on the side of ensuring voter integrity keep winning in the courts.
In 2020, I explained that New York’s absentee voting “portal” was so slipshod as to be an open invitation to fraud . “Someone could easily go to the portal using someone else’s name and date of birth and registered address within the district,” I wrote, “then ask for an absentee ballot to be sent somewhere else, and then fill in the ballot and mail it in.”It is of precisely that offense that Jason T. Schofield, the Republican Rensselaer County Board of Elections commissioner, stands accused after his Sept. 13 arrest: “The indictment accuses Schofield of using an online state Board of Elections portal to request absentee ballots on behalf of eight voters who had no interest in voting, did not request absentee ballots and didn't know that Schofield was using their personal information to obtain the ballots.”In Stamford, Connecticut, there was not just an arrest but a conviction. John Mallozzi, the city’s former Democratic Party chief, was found guilty of 28 felonies for forging absentee ballots in the 2015 municipal elections.
Both instances involve abuse of absentee ballots. As voter integrity experts long have noted and as even the liberal New York Times stated as a fact before it became politically inconvenient, absentee and mail-in ballots are much riper for abuse and fraud than in-person voting. The Heritage Foundation’s database of election fraud cases shows that a large proportion of voting-related convictions result from the misuse of absentee or mail-in ballots. (And, of course, the sheer size of the database shows how absurd it is for the establishment media repeatedly to claim that voter fraud is nearly nonexistent. By now, the media’s willful ignorance has become the moral equivalent of a flat-out lie.)
That’s why it is so important that the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a voter integrity group, last week won a lawsuit in Delaware. The suit aims to make Delaware abide by its state constitutional provision allowing for voting by mail not merely for the sake of convenience but only if a citizen has a specified reason for being unable to vote in person . Delaware’s legislature had passed a law allowing vote by mail essentially on demand with no reason necessary. A Delaware court last week decided, correctly, that the new “anything goes” law violates the state constitution, so the court invalidated it. The court understood that the Constitution’s limitations on absentee voting were intended to ensure the integrity of elections and that the “loss of voting power [of non-absentee voters] constitutes irreparable injury” to them if mail-in rules are a free-for-all.
This was the second big ballot integrity decision PILF won in the past month. In August, it won an initial victory in a suit to force Michigan to clear dead people from its voting rolls. PILF’s research found that 25,975 names of dead people remained listed as “eligible voters,” meaning if someone shows up to vote in those names, they might get away with it. And yes, in a study of 42 states in recent elections, PILF found that 7,890 votes were actually cast in the names of dead people in 2016 and 6,718 in 2018.Nonetheless, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, has fought against removing those names from the lists, even though PILF provided newspaper obituaries and even some photos of gravestones as proof . To avoid fraud of the sorts we are now seeing in New York, Connecticut, and elsewhere, watchdogs like PILF keep the pressure on in legal action across the country. Their court cases amount to a huge vote for fair elections.
Voter Fraud Is a Proven Election Manipulation Tactic:
The Supreme Court answered this question in 2008 when it upheld Indiana's voter ID law. "Flagrant examples of such fraud … have been documented throughout this Nation's history by respected historians and journalists," the court said, "[and] not only is the risk of voter fraud real but that it could affect the outcome of a close election." But ask voters in Troy, N.Y., Lincoln County, W.Va., and Florida whether voter fraud is a real problem. Four local officials and party activists were convicted in 2011 of voter fraud in Troy for forging enough absentee ballots to "likely have tipped the city council and county elections" in 2009. Two veteran Democratic political operatives said voter fraud is an accepted way of winning elections. One of them who pled guilty, Anthony DeFiglio, told police that such fraud was a "normal political tactic." [See a collection of political cartoons on the Republican Party.]
And it is the most vulnerable who are far too often the victims of vote thieves. DeFiglio admitted that the "people who are targeted live in low-income housing … [T]here is a sense that they are a lot less likely to ask any questions."
In March 2012, the county sheriff and clerk in Lincoln County, W.Va., pled guilty to voter fraud. They stuffed enough bogus absentee ballots into ballot boxes to change the outcome of a 2010 Democratic primary election. Was this a one-time incident? Probably not, since the Lincoln County auditor was also found guilty of voter fraud in 2005. [See photos of Wisconsin Voters Heading to the Polls]An ongoing review of voter registration rolls in Florida has already found almost 100 confirmed non-citizens registered to vote, half of whom voted in at least one previous election; this in a state that decided the 2000 presidential election by slightly more than 500 votes. During the Bush administration, the Justice Department convicted more than a dozen non-citizens of illegally registering and voting in Florida elections. And the state has thousands more possibly unlawful registrations to investigate.
As the Supreme Court said, vote fraud has been present in our elections throughout our entire history. There are individuals who are willing to take advantage when they see an opportunity to steal an election. We need to be sure that every eligible American is able to vote, but we also need to take the steps necessary to ensure the integrity of our election process.
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